Finding My Center

April Tegeler Bio PictureDon’t forget, Yoga on the Steps Philadelphia is less than two weeks away! Here, April Tegeler, a self proclaimed Yoga on the Steps ‘newbie’ and participant in this year’s DC event, shares her story about her breast cancer diagnosis, her relationship with LBBC and why she feels Yoga on the Steps is an event anyone with ties to breast cancer or yoga should experience!

I have always aspired to living a healthy lifestyle.  Growing up I was that person who promised to always eat right and exercise earning my right to a healthier me.  Sometimes, despite our best efforts, life gets in the way and we find ourselves walking down a very different path than we initially planned for ourselves.  Two and a half years ago, I started down that path as a breast cancer patient but found my way through to survivorship with the help of this wonderful organization known as LBBC, Living Beyond Breast Cancer.

Living Beyond Breast Cancer has so much to offer women and loved ones who are affected with breast cancer.  It provided comfort to me when I felt that I had nowhere else to turn.  Facing diagnosis at 38 years of age, Living Beyond Breast Cancer provided an outlet through peer matching and the survivorship helpline which established connections with other women, lessening my fears of solitude in my struggles as a mother of two young children battling breast cancer while still trying to raise a family.  Their informative website was an invaluable resource which enabled me to best prepare both emotionally and intelligently for my fight against breast cancer.  Each time I visit this website I am continually empowered with the amount of support which is offered through LBBC.

Speaking of LBBC lending support to the breast cancer community, one of the events that they are hosting is Yoga on the Steps in Washington DC this upcoming June.  Time and time again, yoga has proven to promote positive health benefits for women struggling with breast cancer.  As I said before, a healthy lifestyle has always been a long term goal for me.  While I do not consider myself part of the yoga community, I am very excited about this opportunity to participate in such an important event.  As a newbie to this program, I am continually inspired by hearing past participant’s stories of camaraderie, peace and joy found through attending this event.  Living vicariously through the memories of these other people, I can only hope to have as nurturing and empowering of an experience through doing yoga with other breast cancer survivors, families and caregivers  touched by this disease.

I am honored to be a part of such a worthwhile event, raising money for programs to continue growing and facilitating the support necessary to help women and families who are seeking guidance.  All the while working towards better quality of life and coming together as a strong community unified through one common purpose while sharing the benefits of yoga.  It doesn’t get better than that.   I hope that you will join me in this rewarding event and help support women lead more empowering lives through the help of LBBC.

April Tegeler is a school counselor by trade and a stay at home mom by choice.   She decided to take a break from counseling to allow her the privilege of staying at home with her kids and sharing in the opportunities provided to them as they grow.   When she is not busy taking care of them, she enjoys reading books, riding her bike and spending time by the waterside.  Now that her children are both in elementary school she is looking forward to revisiting her counseling roots and becoming more involved in LBBC.

Click here to register or donate to LBBC’s Yoga on the Steps event which will be held in Philadelphia, DC, Kansas City and Denver in 2013.

About yogaonthesteps

Yoga on the Steps has become LBBC’s signature education and fundraising event. It provides a way for communities to stand in solidarity with women affected by breast cancer - all while experiencing the healing benefits of yoga. Yoga on the Steps events are now held in Philadelphia, Denver and Washington, DC with plans to continue to introduce the program to additional cities as part of a national expansion initiative. The main feature of Yoga on the Steps is Jennifer’s one-hour yoga class, designed for all skill levels and body types. Each class also features beautiful Kirtan accompaniment by Yvette Pecoraro and her spirited band of musicians. After the class, participants and supporters can enjoy a light breakfast of organic and naturally prepared foods and browse through a Healthy Living Expo featuring health and nutrition experts, event sponsors, yoga and fitness studios, specialty vendors and information about local area nonprofits and service organizations. Yoga on the Steps educates the community about healthy living and quality-of-life issues while creating awareness and raising funds for LBBC’s education and outreach programs - which are always provided to women, their families and their caregivers for little or no cost.
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1 Response to Finding My Center

  1. lemetric says:

    Reblogged this on LeMetric Beauty Studio Blog and commented:
    Counting down to this event!

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